Have you ever given a thought to Cinderella? I mean, she was a Disney character sure, and she ended up with the prince in the end, but she had a tough life! She lost her father, so she had to be mourning him for a long time. She had no other living relatives and had to live a life of drudgery with her evil step-mother and hideous step-sisters that treated her like a slave. But she was happy....always happy. How is that possible? I certainly don't know because I'm not sure I could live a life like that. I get down and depressed if I gain a pound, and that's not even life changing!
So, taking Cinderella as a role model, I decided that I would try to be happy and think positive no matter what the circumstances in my life, and even without a fairy godmother. I'm not sure this is possible. It would mean a total u-turn in my whole way of thinking. Negative Nelly has nothing on me! But, I want to be happy. I want to live a long life, and I don't want to be miserable any more.
This blog is about the things that make me, and you, happy. There are no rules. Follow along with me as I discover the things in life that I really and truly love and make me joyful. And share with me the things that make you happy too!
This will be fun, right?